Education Programs
The Counseling Center of the North Shore offers community programs that promote awareness, collaboration and health. We offer a wide variety of workshops, parent consultation, staff development training and consultation to schools, organizations and groups. Topics can be tailored to specific needs. Below are a list of recent presentations and trainings by our clinical team.
Upcoming Events
Past Presentations and Workshops
April 2020
Available Presentations and Workshops for community organizations
The clinical team at CCNS is available to present and hold workshops at various community organizations. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following and can be tailored to meet specific needs:
Upcoming Events
Past Presentations and Workshops
April 2020
- Kim Hassenfeld, LCSW continued her partnership with the Northfield Library and joined their on-going book club to discuss the book, Once More We Saw Stars, by Jayson Green, a memoir about love and grief in a marriage after losing their child.
- CCNS partnered with the Winnetka Youth Organization for a series of workshops and discussions with teens about mental health and substance misuse.
- Kim Hassenfeld, LCSW participated in a screening and panel discussion as part of a Township-wide parent education presentation at Wilmette Junior High School. The film, “Like Effect,” is about social media and its impact on social and emotional functioning in children and adolescents. The Chicago Tribune North Shore Affiliate published an article about the event. Click here to view the article.
- Matthew Silver, LCSW, CADC spoke on the topic of “Clinical Supervision Skills for Harm Reduction and ‘Housing First’ Managers, Directors, and Supervisors” at the Public Health Institute of Metro Chicago
- Kim Hassenfeld, LCSW and staff therapist, Dr. Jan Roy, held a training for staff of the Winnetka-Northfield Public Library. Kim and Jan discussed how to best assist library patrons with mental health diagnoses, what do to if someone is having a mental health crisis and fielded questions for the 35 staff members present at the training.
- Matthew Silver, LCSW, CADC gave a presentation titled “Recognizing and Responding to Signs and Symptoms of Substance Use” Kaleidoscope, Intact Families Pgm in Chicago.
- Allison Stein, LSW and Kim Hassenfeld, LCSW spoke to New Trier High School’s staff on the topic of trauma and anxiety. This presentation was a part of New Trier’s Institute Day and focused on how trauma can impact one’s social and emotional learning experiences. Kim and Allison presented on how the body and brain process traumatic events and the ways in which teachers can work challenging behaviors that may be indicative of past trauma.
- Matthew Silver, LCSW, CADC hosted a weeklong “Training of the Trainers: Harm Reduction Practice, Substance Use Management, Harm Reduction Supervision, Trauma Informed Care” at Frontline Services in Cleveland, Ohio.
- Kim Hassenfeld, LCSW held a workshop called “Self-care for Caregivers,” the second in a series of workshops that CCNS is offering free to the community at the Winnetka-Northfield Public Library. Kim presented on the emotional and physically challenges adult caregivers experience. Participants were able to discuss their roles of caring for their elderly parents or ill spouses.
- Matthew Silver, LCSW, CADC gave a presentation at the Midwest Harm Reduction Institute Conference called “Just Say Know: To Drugs & Alcohol” in Chicago.
- Matthew Silver, LCSW, CADC presented on “Harm Reduction Interventions & Practice for Responding to the Opioid Crisis” at The Night Ministry in Chicago.
- Matthew Silver, LCSW, CADC gave three presentations at the 12th National Harm Reduction Conference in New Orleans. His presentations included “Housing First and Harm Reduction, ”Drug Education – Just Say Know to Drugs,” and “Harm Reduction Supervision.”
- Kim Hassenfeld, LCSW partnered Elyssa’s Mission to present “Back to School” a presentation for parents about the pressures and anxieties about entering high school and how parents can help their teenagers at Saint Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church of Glenview.
- Kim Hassenfeld, LCSW held a workshop called “First-Time Moms” and focused on the many challenges that first-time mothers face including measuring up to their expectations of how they should experience motherhood.
- This fall, CCNS launched our pilot program SAP, offering 8 free therapy for teenagers without the need for parental consent and offering a telehealth (video therapy) option. CCNS is proud to partner with several community organizations including Elyssa’s Mission, Erica’s Lighthouse, as well as different school districts to promote this program and make it accessible to teens throughout the North Shore.
- Matthew Silver, LCSW, CADC presented to Graduate Art Therapy students on “The Intersection of 12 Step Recovery, Mutual Aid Groups, Traditional AOD treatment and Harm Reduction” at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Available Presentations and Workshops for community organizations
The clinical team at CCNS is available to present and hold workshops at various community organizations. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following and can be tailored to meet specific needs:
- Anxiety and Depression
- Anxiety and Trauma
- Substance Misuse and Teens
- Suicide Awareness
- Support for Caregivers
- Motherhood
- Psychological Testing
Community resources & Articles
Our Associates & Friends
Counseling Center of the North Shore is pleased to work collaboratively with the following organizations.
New Trier Township North Shore Senior Center Northfield Township Volunteer Center of New Trier Township |
Winnetka-Northfield Chamber of Commerce Winnetka Community House Winnetka Park District |